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PatientCare   Patient Engagement Platform    Multi-Platform +  Digital Medicine


PatientCare facilitates patient recovery by alerting caregivers to potential problems by asking patients recovery-related questions specific to them and their disease state.

A Xerox PARC colleague and I established PatientCare with the goal of improving the quality of patient care. To make our initiative viable, we developed a business plan targeting care organizations reporting elevated ‘avoidable’ (as defined by Medicare) patient readmissions; such organization are penalized by Medicare in the form of significantly reduced reimbursement for medical care.

In a multibillion-dollar healthcare analytics company, Conduent, and a the Indiana University Healthcare network of hospitals, we found common goals —reducing care costs while elevating care quality— and formed a partnership to research, test and deploy the PatientCare service. PatientCare is now under the direction of Conduent Midas Plus.

PatientCare concept model as deployed at Indiana University Hospital, Goshen, IN.

Proto.io demo.

Alpha Testing: Screen and Administrative Console

A patient view of the app on a mobile phone and the administrative dashboard for tracking user responses, participation level and means of ommunicating with patients.

Late stage prototype: testing language, tone and navigation styles, from having a friendly coach breaking the fourth wall, addressing users directly to a muted, generic tone of language and unembellished appearance.

Diagramming Disease State Scenarios

Excerpts from a field study report.

Field Study of Hospital Readmissions

Over a period of months, I interviewed and tracked a group of patients before and after an initial hospital discharge. We spoke
face-to-face in the hospital, in private homes or at local cafes.

Copyright ©2023 David C. Taylor. All rights reserved.